A few years ago we started reading about IFS and it felt like a straightforward addition to the work we were already doing. Since then we have read much of what Richard Schwartz has written and are now using his work extensively when working with our clients. However, we still call this archetypal work.
Introduction to Archetypes
- Imagine an orchestra
- Many different instruments
- Lead by a conductor
- Together they make beautiful music
- Parts are like the musical instruments
- The internal Conductor can bring harmony to our inner lives
The Conductor - You
- In an orchestra the conductor doesn’t play an instrument
- In IFS this is called the Self, we prefer Conductor
- The internal Conductor is not a Part
- The Conductor is described as follows:
- This is the “zone”, the quiet, inner voice
- The Conductor is interested in inner harmony: building a harmonious inner team out of the chaos
- It hears all thoughts, feelings, and beliefs without attachment or judgement
Working with Your Parts
- Remember that the event story belongs to the blended Part, whereas the Conductor remains curious, calm, and compassionate - neither agreeing or disagreeing with the story
- Parts are autonomous, each with its own thoughts, feelings, history, beliefs and agenda
- No matter how dysfunctional, every Part is working for your benefit
- Parts are acting from patterns established when you were young (typically ages 2-10), often in times of crisis or trauma
- They do not have the cognitive ability to act as an adult
- There are two types of Parts:
- Wounded Parts (called exiles in IFS) who carry the wounding from past trauma
- Protectors work to protect you from re-experiencing the trauma, pain, overwhelm, or other painful experiences - held by the Wounded Parts
- It is essential that you first move into the Conductor before beginning any with with Parts: being curious, calm, and compassionate
- Working with Protectors, the goals are:
- To understand the work they have been doing to protect you
- To build a new relationship based on trust and appreciation
- To offer them a new role if we can first unburden the Wounded Parts it is protecting
- To get their permission to work with and unburden the underlying Wounded Parts
- Working with Wounded, the goals are:
- To bear witness to their pain and suffering
- To really hear about the origins of their trauma
- To remove them from being locked in the past into the present into a safe and loving space
- To unburden the loads that the Wounded has been carrying
- When you are:
- Emotional (i.e. happy/sad, angry/passionate, afraid/excited, etc.)
- Judgemental
- Comparing
- Withdrawn
- Being defensive
- Lacking in compassion
- Obsessive or repetitive thinking
- Worrying/controlling
- Overwhelmed, confused
- Holding on to the past or lost in the future
- A Part has blended with the Conductor
For more information on IFS please checkout their website: